Round 17 - July 29 (Thu, July 29)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.

Alvey, Michael
Arnold, Charles
Beaumont, Jim
Campbell, Chris
Diaz, John
Dickens, Cody
Donnelly, Tim
Dunlap, Bill
Gauthier, Kevin
Gildersleeve, Joby
Gildersleeve, Ryan
Gildersleeve, Taylor
Gray, John
Hatakeda, Darrin
Heisler, Bradley
Hill, Zackery
Kidane, Solomon
Klep, Richard
Krauss, Jeffrey
Lee, Jeremy
Lund, Adam
McGee, Jeff
McKinney, Doug
Morin, Steve
Neumann, Ryan
Osborn, Tom
Peterson, Josh
Reichstein, Daryl
Richards, Rick
Sato, Jin
Sell, John
Siegel, Joe
Smarr, Jeff
Stilley, John
Strellman, Rick
Taylor, Brent
Viola, Vincent
Webb, Mike
Welle, Matthew
Wojnarowicz, Pawel