Thursday League - 9 Hole Stroke Play
Join us for all-summer Thursday afternoon 9-hole Golf League - Individual stroke play.
Sign up now! Please REGISTER using the Sign UP buttons on the left side of the Home Page for this section of the site.
- Registration Opens: Wednesday 6:00pm - Three weeks prior to each round.
- Registration Deadline: Monday 6:00 pm prior to the Thursday event.
CANCEL: Please CANCEL if you are not able to play - whether you have a confirmed slot or if you are on the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list and someone cancels on Thursday, and you have not canceled your waiting list slot, you are expected to still be available to show up and play and fill up the tee time slot.
How to Cancel:
- Prior to Signups Closing (normally Monday Night at 6:00pm): Please go to the Signup Page and click "Cancel Signup" button.
- After Signups Close: Send an email to - Cancel Thursday Round (click for a template email) to cancel. Please do NOT send email to an individual board member - the tournament director job rotates and that person may not be on duty this week.
Thursday League Late Cancellation and No Show Policy
- If you cancel late without sufficient reason, or have a pattern of late cancels, you will receive lower priority for future playing time and partner requests. You may also be moved to the later tee times or the wait list.
- No Shows will automatically be moved to the back of the waiting list for the next week that they sign up
Late Cancel and No Show Definitions
- Late Cancel is any cancel or withdrawal “after the Tee Sheet is sent out.” This will typically be either Tuesday or Wednesday prior to the Thursday round. Any valid cancellation through the online portal or app (where you get a cancellation confirmation email) is by definition not a late cancel, as the signups have not yet closed. Once signups are closed (Monday night), you need to send an email to cancel. If you get the tee sheet email and then have to cancel, we consider it a “Late Cancel” as the tournament director has to manually redo the tee sheet and manually bring in someone from the wait list.
- No Show is anyone who does not notify the tournament director in advance of the round (defined as the first tee time) that they need to withdraw.
- Late Cancel Justifications. If you have a justified reason for a Late Cancel and there is not a pattern of Late Cancels, it will not count against you. You will need a stronger justification if your cancellation is close to the actual tee time. Each cancellation is handled on a case by case basis, and depends on how frequently you cancel, and on whether we can backfill from the waiting list. Lew Brunhaver is the final arbiter of cancelation policy justifications.
Format: 9 hole stroke play. The competition will be grouped in flights of 8-12 based on handicap.
Course: Alternate Eagles Talon (White Tees) and Coyote Creek (Blue Tees) week to week.
Tee Times: Starting as early as 3:30pm in April and September; typically 5pm in June-Aug.You will be notified of your playing partners and assigned tee time in advance via email, or you can check the tee sheet page on this site. Tee times and playing partners subject to change.
Note: We get the earliest tee times that Willows is able to make available to the club, to get as many people as we can to play before dark. Please keep up pace of play so the last few groups don't finish in the dark! There should be enough time for everyone.
Field Size: 40-52+ players depending on starting tee time and sunset time
Fee: $29.50 greens fees each week (2021 rate) plus $7 competition fee. Cart and Range Balls not included.
By signing up for this event, i acknowlege that all credit in the Willows Run Pro Shop won thorough Willows Men's Club Events will expire on April 30, 2022.
Pay out: Prizes awarded to top 3-4 players per flight net, based on full field.
Thursday Nights Season-Long Points Cup: All participants on Thursdays will earn points leading to a Points Cup Championship series in late September. Points are awarded for participation and prizes.
Happy Hour pricing for drinks and discounted entrees will be available at the end of your round in the bar and Fire Creek Grill for Men's club members.
Check in and pay in the Pro Shop. Prizes and points awarded will be posted on and sent out via email
Scorecards/Scoring: Each player will have their own printed scorecard. Exchange cards before the round, and keep your score on the marker's row. Sign the card you marked and your own card after the round (and after you make sure the individual scores are correct). Turn your card in to the Tournament Director's table in the Fire Creek Grill or Tent after the round (and hang around and have a beverage).
Skins Game: We will not be collecting envelopes and cash again this year. We will be using the Venmo app for collecting and disbursing payments. If you play in Skins games, you should download Venmo, get signed up, and set up either a debit card, credit card or bank account for payment so you are ready to go. It’s pretty easy to set up but you need to set it up in advance. Payments will be collected by Matt Welle.
There are two ways to add Matt to your list of Friends to pay in Venmo. You only have to add once, then you can just send in your payment before you get to the course each week.
- Click <this link>, sign in to Venmo, and click the "Add Friend" button. You can do this anytime.
- At Willows Run Pro Shop - There is a Skins sheet with a QR code you can scan. There should be one at the Check In desk, one on the Men's Club bulletin board, and one at the Starter Shack for most events.
- Search for @WelleOut in Venmo. Make sure you don't pick the wrong Matt Welle.
When you pay: Please put the "Round Date" in the comment and only pay for one week at a time so we can keep track. Payment must be made before you tee off on the first hole.
Stroke Play & Rules: The score is kept by adding the cumulative total of strokes taken throughout the round. The golfer counts each stroke taken on a hole, until the ball is in the cup. All strokes are posted to live scoring app and written down on the scorecard. All USGA rules of golf apply. Obey all active local rules. 9 hole scores will be automatically posted for handicap purposes by the tournament committee.
Handicap: Players without an established handicap may participate with a handicap at the discretion of the Handicap Chairman.
The Tournament Committee reserves the right to alter any of the conditions and schedules herein including a golfer’s Handicap Index. The Committee reserves the right to reject the entry of any applicant, at any time, for any reason. Any decision by the Committee, in any matter, shall be final.